Rehearsal Log #5

Section to be completed before rehearsal:

Play Title: Lemons Lemons Lemons Lemons LemonsRehearsal Date: 10/10/23Rehearsal #5
Rehearsal Location: duPont 313Scheduled Start/End Times: 7:00-10:30pmPage numbers to work: pg. 91-99; pg. 15-?
Rehearsal GoalsPlan to Meet this GoalNotes
Finish table work-restate our goals for table work 
Begin staging pg. 15-25-establish where the entrances & exits in each location lead to -introduce destinations & activities 

Section to be completed after rehearsal:

What Worked?Problems/Questions that EmergedNotes for Next Rehearsal
Finished table work!-picking a song for the unit where they sing a song N/A
Began staging pg. 15-21-progress was slow off the bat but that was to be expected!
-took actors some time to get used to transitioning from location to location as part of action rather than independent of it
-I thought I could get away with having less notated staging, but it very much slowed us down
-how soon can I get rehearsal props?
-figure out staging moments ahead of time!!! Especially transitions into the next locations
-have rehearsal props prepared asap  

Today’s rehearsal was very productive! We finished table working the play, finding POV, connecting, and discussing wants and other circumstances. Then, we began putting the play on its feet! I was incredibly intimidated by starting this part of rehearsals. I always fear that my homework won’t support me and I won’t be able to effectively communicate with the actors to give them direction that is stimulating rather than asking them to indicate or demonstrate that they’ve been directed. I found the need to remind myself that we have plenty of time to go back and work moments to polish them, but we got through 6 pages. I had a loose goal of 10 pages, but I was just as satisfied being able to put some of the action on its feet. We worked with making the transitions from location-to-location part of the action rather than an isolated movement between scenes, and I suspect it may take some time.

I had trouble with one of the actors about breaking the habit of cheating out at all times and turning their body so as not to upstage themselves. I think after some time of reinforcing the idea of putting their full physical attention to their inner/outer life and after building some trust in the fact that I won’t let them upstage themselves, it will fix itself!

I think in order to prepare for the next rehearsal, I will prepare some blocking notation, especially going from location-to-location and building those transitions seamlessly as part of the action or a destination.

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