Rehearsal Log #14

Section to be completed before rehearsal:

Play Title: Lemons Lemons Lemons Lemons LemonsRehearsal Date: 10/12/23Rehearsal #14
Rehearsal Location: Studio 115Scheduled Start/End Times: 7:00-10:00pmPage numbers to work: 55-75
Rehearsal GoalsPlan to Meet this GoalNotes
-work pg. 55-75-boundary practice warm up
-interrogate destinations, activities, wants (and earning them), etc.
-acclimate to the new furniture set up  
-put more focus on important moments (pg 55-62)
-allow for moments of touch/affection to emerge without being heavy-handed

Section to be completed after rehearsal:

What Worked?Problems/Questions that EmergedNotes for Next Rehearsal
-work pg. 55-78-earning what they’re after
-learning to let go of the little things in favor of the important moments where things change

Coming back from a short break after our designer run was exciting but also a bit of a challenge! It took some time to readjust to the routine and find our focus, but we ended up exceeding our page goal and tackling a couple important moments. At the start, I wanted to introduce the idea of boundary practices so that moving forward, we had access to that vocabulary and practice to help tell the story through touch. It was my first time guiding people through the exercise, but they seemed to pick up on it and it began a productive conversation that we actually got to implement in the pages we worked today. I’m reminding myself that this is a tool in my box of tools and not my only one to reach for when I need help justifying something. We also put more focus on the important moments for the sake of storytelling. It felt good to encourage them to earn what they’re after and we discovered more about the text through diving deeper. I still had to encourage them to earn what they’re after, and I think in the future, introducing the stakes of not earning what they’re after will encourage them to play full out. Although, I had better results today in terms of getting them to try new things and play with affecting the other person without self-generating a reaction. It was awesome to be able to work with the proper furniture and more of the actual props, and I’m very excited to see how the show finally looks under the lights, in costume, and with sound!

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