Rehearsal Log #17

Section to be completed before rehearsal:

Play Title: Lemons Lemons Lemons Lemons LemonsRehearsal Date: 11/1/23Rehearsal #17
Rehearsal Location: Studio 115Scheduled Start/End Times: 6:30-10:30pmPage numbers to work: 15-99
Rehearsal GoalsPlan to Meet this GoalNotes
-full run-encourage them to play full out and discover new things
-take notes to create a work list, focusing on important moments and clarifying wants
-media time with Jill-stay out of the way 
-work TBD-incorporate work list, focusing on clarifying wants and encouraging them to earn it
-give individual notes afterwards

Section to be completed after rehearsal:

What Worked?Problems/Questions that EmergedNotes for Next Rehearsal
-full run-transitions are eating up time; encouraged them to move with purpose and achieve the destination-runtime ~95 mins.
-worked through a list  -fighting for the right to talk
-unclear wants/not earning it

Compared to last night’s run, this run was much more productive in terms of exploration and putting everything together. They were exploring more fully due in part to familiarity with their lines and blocking. I felt more of a complete arc of the story because the moments that focus on building/enriching their relationship felt more fulfilled and explored. They also worked harder to earn what they were after for the most part. After the run, we worked through our full list of things to work, which mainly consisted of exploring any leftover unclear wants and encouraging them to fight for the right to talk. I noticed that both of them have more they can play with in terms of earning what they’re after. Also, they are both taking time to “think” (as in, playing the concept of thinking) rather than authentically finding the words, and its causing some units to drag out lose their momentum. However, many of the more important moments are taking shape as they make discoveries and play with clarified objectives. Next rehearsal, we begin tech. Before this process started, I thought I would be panicking and rushing to get to a good enough place before tech, but I feel really confident in sitting back to let the designers take the forefront of the rehearsals and get notes in whenever I have the chance. I know that the final product will never be perfect, but I think we’ve achieved some incredible work in our short time and it all lends itself to the preparation I worked so hard to have with me and the actors being willing to throw everything they’ve got at the work and bring something new every day. For both actors, we’ve gotten to a place where they’re more present than I’ve ever seen them before, and I feel very proud that I was able to push them and stimulate them. On Friday, we start the next and final chapter of this process and I’m feeling giddy about people seeing the final product in less than a week, but incredibly emotional about letting this project and all the work I’ve done advocate for itself. It’s an indescribable feeling…

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