…Here it comes. Oh boy, here we are… the first day of rehearsals. I feel like this has been so long in the making but also I think that I have so much more to do before I’m ready.
Something I’ve already learned is just how much time I need to devote to my pre-rehearsal research and tasks. I had an idea of the work that goes into preparing everything, like mining the text for given circumstances and using them to create an interpretive analysis. However, I wasn’t ready for the bear of a task of generating a working script and having an idea about the objectives and actions of the characters. I feel that this area has been a shortcoming for me because I didn’t allow myself the time to sit with this aspect of the play and go through to verbalize the wants of the characters in each scene. I didn’t anticipate having as much trouble because I’m more used to engaging with plays with more realism and not mining the text as inventively to get circumstances that lead to actions then wants. I think that at the beginning of this process, I will be relying more on the actors to help make these discoveries through our work together in rehearsals. I don’t necessarily think that’s a bad thing, but having less of a foundation makes me just slightly more susceptible to having the rug pulled out from under me.
I say all of this candidly after catastophizing for about a week about the work I have to do. I made it out alive, which part of me didn’t expect to, and we’re moving forward and chugging along regardless! Looking back, I can say I’ve accomplished a lot in the 6 weeks of pre-rehearsal work. I broke the text down into 68 units and sorted them into the correct order. I investigated in detail the circumstances of the world and built an interpretation out of it (something I’ve always felt intimidated by). I cast the play, and designs are well on their way! I’m lucky that I have a team of collaborators who are eager and thoughtful about their contributions. They are allowing me to focus on my duties and preparing myself for the weeks ahead of rehearsals. Since I had the chance to be house manager for Curious Incident, I have been reflecting on how a leader doesn’t strive to do everything themselves but rather delegates responsibilities and plays to each team member’s strengths, and I’ve noticed that growth in myself in how I trust my designers to engage the process in their own ways and try not to control or dominate the interpretation of the play.
Ready or not, rehearsals for Lemons Lemons Lemons Lemons Lemons underway starting tonight!