Rehearsal Log #1

Section to be completed before rehearsal:

Play Title: Lemons Lemons Lemons Lemons LemonsRehearsal Date: 10/5/23Rehearsal #1
Rehearsal Location: DuPont 313Scheduled Start/End Times: 6:30-10:30pPage numbers to work: N/A
Rehearsal GoalsPlan to Meet this GoalNotes
Measures of successGroup DiscussionWrite them down for the final day of tech rehearsals
Full read throughDiscuss goals for first read 

Section to be completed after rehearsal:

What Worked?Problems/Questions that EmergedNotes for Next Rehearsal
We discussed our measures of successN/AN/A
During our full read through, we developed some sense of the text and tried to connect and develop some POV-What level of detail should we go into in terms of the chronology?
-Some scenes are very convoluted and hard to make sense of; how much should I show my hand in terms of what my interpretation is VS. seeing how they navigate the moment?
-when they ask questions, allow them to work it out or suggest their own solution
-when in doubt, refer to “how are you trying to change the other person” “nice or nasty” “what do you want from them?”
Explored movement patterns: grid, swirl, and zigzag and tempo 1-10N/AKeep building on these ideas and telling story thru movement

Hearing them read the text and begin to bring things to life was incredibly heartening. After all these weeks of reading the text and hearing it in my own mind, it was cathartic and refreshing to hear it from other perspectives. We definitely have a lot to work on in terms of bringing it to life fully, but I could not be more excited!!

Our Measures of Success are:

  • to have an exceeding level of familiarity with the text and character
  • to put on a convincing performance by being truthful and help the audience understand the message
  • to create something we are proud of
  • to be able to look back and recognize visible growth
  • to leave the audience thinking about something
  • to be able to momentarily leave the events of the day and the worries of later outside of the rehearsal room

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