Section to be completed before rehearsal:
Play Title: Lemons Lemons Lemons Lemons Lemons | Rehearsal Date: 11/3/23 | Rehearsal #18 |
Rehearsal Location: Studio 115 | Scheduled Start/End Times: 6:30-10:30pm | Page numbers to work: N/A |
Rehearsal Goals | Plan to Meet this Goal | Notes |
-begin cue-to-cue | -acclimate the designers in the booth and help them get to where they need to be -stay out of the way as much as possible and give my opinion when needed -sneak in some notes where possible |
Section to be completed after rehearsal:
What Worked? | Problems/Questions that Emerged | Notes for Next Rehearsal |
-completed cue-to-cue! | -took some time to get acclimated and figure out the booth tech |
Tonight was our first tech rehearsal! It was awesome to see the work of the designers come together and begin having a finalized image of what the play will be. We had a little bit of trouble getting started and acclimating to the booth technology, but after got started we moved at a great pace and much to my surprise finished our cue-to-cue by the end of the night! The environment was totally relaxed, and we were able to get all our work done while still having fun and getting excited about the work. I tried my best to stay out of the way and let the designers do their work by sneaking in notes for the actors when they were in a hold and helping out where my input was useful.