Section to be completed before rehearsal:
Play Title: Lemons Lemons Lemons Lemons Lemons | Rehearsal Date: 10/6/23 | Rehearsal #2 |
Rehearsal Location: DuPont 313 | Scheduled Start/End Times: 6:30-10:30pm | Page numbers to work: N/A |
Rehearsal Goals | Plan to Meet this Goal | Notes |
Establish goals for table work | Mental energy/word limit exercise | -connect; eyes off of script -have a POV -ask any questions |
Begin table work | Work thru each scene establishing wants, time, place, beats, destinations, etc. | -every scene is a chase scene -how are you trying to change the other person? -nice or nasty? |
Section to be completed after rehearsal:
What Worked? | Problems/Questions that Emerged | Notes for Next Rehearsal |
table work pg. 15-34 -asked more questions and directed them towards the answer they think it may be -oriented around finding the inner life and how they wanted to affect each person -able to work out what was going on | -Noticed them getting a little drained towards the end -progress was a little slower but I appreciate the detail we went into with each unit -I think I was a little heavy handed with nice or nasty… | Don’t be afraid to keep the pace what it is |
During this rehearsal, one actor was helping the other a little bit with clarifying intention and wants. It didn’t cause a problem and I didn’t feel a need to address it. I feel that emphasizing less talking and more doing will help eliminate too much intellectual discussion as a whole. I also felt like at points I was talking too much, and that is an area of growth I hope to address during this process. However, I focused on asking more questions than answering, and that serviced me well. I was also successful in not showing my hand by letting them working things out themselves or trying one idea to see if their instincts work, which in many cases they did! Some objectives/actions for Oliver that emerged in this session were to charm, to belittle, to rally, to accuse, and to punish. Some objectives/actions for Bernadette that emerged include to dismiss, to force the truth out of, to interrogate, to knock him off his high horse.