Rehearsal Log #4

Section to be completed before rehearsal:

Play Title: Lemons Lemons Lemons Lemons LemonsRehearsal Date: 10/9/23Rehearsal #4
Rehearsal Location: DuPont 310Scheduled Start/End Times: 6:30-10:00pmPage numbers to work: 63-?
Rehearsal GoalsPlan to Meet this GoalNotes
Continue table work from pg 63 to at least pg. 87-restate goals of table work
-allow actors to separate events of the day & meet in the work
-continue to probe about obj, time & place, character, etc.
-test the action in the other person, see if it works, and if not, try a different one

Section to be completed after rehearsal:

What Worked?Problems/Questions that EmergedNotes for Next Rehearsal
Table worked pg. 63-91; actors are finding common objs that suggest things about their characters  

Another productive day of table work! We explored and the actors felt more encouraged to be on their feet and earn what they’re after.

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