Section to be completed before rehearsal:
Play Title: Lemons Lemons Lemons Lemons Lemons | Rehearsal Date: 10/9/23 | Rehearsal #4 |
Rehearsal Location: DuPont 310 | Scheduled Start/End Times: 6:30-10:00pm | Page numbers to work: 63-? |
Rehearsal Goals | Plan to Meet this Goal | Notes |
Continue table work from pg 63 to at least pg. 87 | -restate goals of table work -allow actors to separate events of the day & meet in the work -continue to probe about obj, time & place, character, etc. | -test the action in the other person, see if it works, and if not, try a different one |
Section to be completed after rehearsal:
What Worked? | Problems/Questions that Emerged | Notes for Next Rehearsal |
Table worked pg. 63-91; actors are finding common objs that suggest things about their characters |
Another productive day of table work! We explored and the actors felt more encouraged to be on their feet and earn what they’re after.