Section to be completed before rehearsal:
Play Title: Lemons Lemons Lemons Lemons Lemons | Rehearsal Date: 10/19/23 | Rehearsal #9 |
Rehearsal Location: Studio 115 | Scheduled Start/End Times: 7:30pm-10:30pm | Page numbers to work: 75-99 |
Rehearsal Goals | Plan to Meet this Goal | Notes |
-stage pg. 75-99 | -continue exploring destinations, activities, and integrating transitions into the action -integrating rehearsal props | |
-review pg. 75-99 | -work everything from the night to solidify it in their systems |
Section to be completed after rehearsal:
What Worked? | Problems/Questions that Emerged | Notes for Next Rehearsal |
-staged pg. 75-90 | -with less time tonight, we didn’t get through all the pages I aimed to, but I still feel good about what we accomplished due to my preparation | -bring rehearsal props for pg. 57-99 to stumble thru |
reviewed pg. 75-90 |
We are well on our way to finishing staging tomorrow!! I’m incredibly eager to go back and work moment-to-moment and explore in depth. I’m feeling more comfortable with staging and more confident in what will work. I’ve began putting more thought in making full use of the space. Studio is already a small space, so not working to maximize the space we use seems hard to justify. I’ve also been preparing in advance and being familiar enough with it to keep my head out of my script and be more engaged with the actors.