Rehearsal Log #13

Section to be completed before rehearsal:

Play Title: Lemons Lemons Lemons Lemons LemonsRehearsal Date: 10/24/23Rehearsal #13
Rehearsal Location: Studio 115Scheduled Start/End Times: 7:00-10:30pmPage numbers to work: 15-99
Rehearsal GoalsPlan to Meet this GoalNotes
-designer run-meet with actors beforehand to answer questions, walk through everything, quickly work anything they have questions about 
-work TBD-address any moments that need to be addressed
-return to page 44 and work closely with the text on destinations, wants, activities, wants, etc.

Section to be completed after rehearsal:

What Worked?Problems/Questions that EmergedNotes for Next Rehearsal
-designer run-some transition notes, but much less after clearing them up yesterday.
-some scenes are missing connection or that they’re doing more than they need to earn what they want
-later scenes that haven’t been worked yet could use some polish
-worked pg. 44-54-working pages takes just a little bit less time than blocking. I hope that we have enough time to work and practice before tech
-how can I maximize my working time with each moment? Less talk and more do? Coming prepared with a refreshed understanding of the pages to be worked?

Tonight was our designer run!! I feel like the work we had done so far was really there for us tonight! Firstly, they managed to get through the play with minimal slip-ups! I was very proud to see all the work we had done in one sitting. It’s sort of surreal to see it on its feet when just a few weeks ago it was all ideas and hopes, but having others witness it for the first time made it all feel more real. Suddenly, all the remaining work to do was laid out in front of me and I could feel myself stressed but also excited to dive in and keep working closely as we can with developing the action. On the other hand, I was for the first time able to zoom out for the run and just observe what I was seeing and take it all in from the perspective of the audience. I feel like I’m so granular and moment-to-moment that I don’t get to see it all take shape and respond to it separately from our work in rehearsals. I’m very eager to see what the designers have in mind! They enjoyed being at the run and brought their thoughts and questions, which was helpful and affirming to hear that others are engaging with the play in their own ways and bringing their thoughtfulness and skills. In recent conversations with Gregg and Marc separately, we talked about the simultaneous relief and stress of having people in to view the work. It’s an important step of the work to have feedback, and everyone in the room understands that it’s a work in progress and that there is always more work to be done and growth to be had. I’m very excited to get back into the Studio and dive in for our final stretch towards tech rehearsals then performances!

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